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Upper Cervical
Reasons to get Upper Cervical Care

Reasons to get Upper Cervical Care

Upper Cervical Chiropractic, is a subspecialty that focuses on the relationship between the upper cervical spine and the central nervous system and brain stem function. Do you often get headaches, migraines, or have neck pain? This could mean you have a misalignment...

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Headaches: Common vs. Normal

Headaches: Common vs. Normal

Though it may be common for you to have headaches, it is by no means normal! In fact, I hear it all the time, “Dr. Bill, I have normal headaches.” What is a normal headache? Does a “normal” headache even exist? There is a major difference between common and normal,...

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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

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Sarah Thompson

Business Consultant
